
One of the main current concerns as regards accessibility and disability regarding language learning is the lack of fully accessible resources for learning languages.

EN-ABILITIES proposes a comprehensive tool to facilitate the language learning of people with special needs. For that reason, this project contributes to the ERASMUS+ objectives and challenges, specifically promoting equality and inclusion of adults with SEN (Special Educational Needs).

The EN-ABILITIES primary objective is to develop tools aimed at encouraging autonomous language learning for adult students with SEN, in formal and no-formal education settings, implementing a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and a new validated and evidence-based methodology and approach translated into practical guidelines for ICT and software developers and pedagogical guidelines for teachers.

The proposed method deploys a sequenced meaningful learning process, suitable for being adapted to each student. This technique will be integrated into the VLE together with agile and flexible resources.

Therefore, EN-ABILITIES provides an innovative approach to bring closer the language learning to adult students with SEN.

Objectives and ideas behind EN-ABILITIES

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